1. Deutsch's algorithm
  2. Implementation

In this post I'll present a quantum implementation of the Deutsch's algorithm using a library QuantumComputingLib that I wrote this week.

First, I should write a little about the library. It's version 1.0-SNAPSHOT only and it doesn't have an official release version. For now, it only has a basic Javadoc and only provides methods for well-known operations on qubits and matrices. I hope that I will able to offer support for it and that this project will be active for a long time, I hope that at least 2 years. If someone want to use and test the library, it can be found at the next link. Also, for using this algorithm, you'll need the ComplexNumber library. This library can be found at the next link.

Deutsch's algorithm

The problem that Deutsch's algorithm solves is not an important problem in Computer Science but it's a good problem to see how quantum computers can be used. This problem can be solved by a quantum computer faster that a traditional one, althoug not exponentially faster.

Suppose there is a function f, which has 1-bit inputs/outputs. The maximum number of such function is four:


The goal was to determine whether the function passed to an algorithm's input is constant or not. Using a traditional computing this problem can be solved only by evaluating the function twice but using a quantum one, the type of the function can be determined by evaluating it once.


The quantum circuit of Deutsch’s algorithm1

gateH = gateFactory.getGate(EGateTypes.E_HadamardGate);
gateX = gateFactory.getGate(EGateTypes.E_XGate);
gateHH = MatrixOperations.tensorProduct(gateH.getUnitaryMatrix(), gateH.getUnitaryMatrix());
resultQubit = QuantumOperations.applyGate(QuantumOperations.applyGate(
				    QuantumOperations.entangle(QUBIT_0, QuantumOperations.applyGate(QUBIT_0, gateX)), gateHH),
			    functionOperator), gateHH);
  • Apply the X-Gate on the second qubit.
  • Determine the tensor product between the 2 qubits.
  • Calculate the tensor product between the two Hadamard gates and apply the resulting gate.
  • Apply Uf operator.
  • Apply again the Hadamard gate.


[1] http://kukuruku.co/hub/haskell/how-to-implement-deutschs-algorithm-in-haskell

[2] http://www.cs.xu.edu/~kinne/quantum/deutche.html