Flask API served using Gunicorn and Nginx


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QRNG using Qiskit and IBMQ


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Jupyter notebook in Docker


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Fractal canopy

(ns fractals.core

(def tree-fractal-file "tree.svg")

(defn append-to-file
  "Uses spit to append to a file specified with its name as a string, or
   anything else that writer can take as an argument.  s is the string to
  [file-name s]
  (spit file-name s :append true))

(def header-xml "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>")
(def header-svg "<svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">")
(def footer "\" stroke=\"black\" stroke-width=\"1\"/>\n</svg>")

(defn map-y-coordinate [y]
  (- 600 y))

(defn draw-line [x y x1 y1 file]
  (append-to-file file (str " M " x " " (map-y-coordinate y)))
  (append-to-file file (str " L " x1 " " (map-y-coordinate y1)))

(defn draw-tree [x y angle depth len fork-angle]
  (if (> depth 0)
    (let [x2 (- x (* (Math/sin (Math/toRadians angle)) depth len))
          y2 (- y (* (Math/cos (Math/toRadians angle)) depth len))]
      (draw-line x y x2 y2 tree-fractal-file)
      (draw-tree x2 y2 (- angle fork-angle) (- depth 1) len fork-angle)
      (draw-tree x2 y2 (+ angle fork-angle) (- depth 1) len fork-angle)

(defn run-tree []
  (let [content "<path d=\""
    (append-to-file tree-fractal-file header-xml)
    (append-to-file tree-fractal-file header-svg)
    (append-to-file tree-fractal-file content)
    (draw-tree 600 50 180 10 10 20)
    (append-to-file tree-fractal-file footer)

(defn -main
  [& args]
  ;;  (run 0.0 0.0 729.0 )
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Vicsek fractal

(def header-xml "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>")
(def header-svg "<svg version=\"1.1\" xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\">")
(def footer "\"/>\n</svg>")

(defn append-to-file
  [file-name s]
  (spit file-name s :append true))

(defn print-line [x y len file]
  (append-to-file file (str "M " x " " y))
  (append-to-file file (str "h " len))
  (append-to-file file (str "v " len))
  (append-to-file file (str "h " (- 0 len)))
  (append-to-file file (str "v -" len))  

(defn fractal-cross [x y len file]
  (if (< len 3)
    (print-line x y len file)
    (let [l3 (/ len 3.0) l23 (* l3 2)]
      (fractal-cross x y l3 file)
      (fractal-cross (+ x l23) y l3 file)
      (fractal-cross (+ x l3) (+ y l3) l3 file)
      (fractal-cross x (+ y l23) l3 file)
      (fractal-cross (+ x l23) (+ y l23) l3 file))))

(defn run [x,y,len file]
  (let [content "<path d=\""]
    (append-to-file file header-xml)
    (append-to-file file header-svg)
    (append-to-file file content)
    (fractal-cross x y len file)
    (append-to-file file footer)))

(run 0.0 0.0 729.0 "test.svg")

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